Kick-Start Your Cure for Phobias with a Hypnotherapy Consultation at The Body Matters

Are you one of the millions of people in the UK whose life is badly affected by a phobia, such as a fear of spiders or flying?
If you are, don’t panic! You are not alone as around 20% of the population has a serious phobia of one kind or another. Summer is traditionally the time when phobias can reach epic proportions, and if you are really feeling the fear this summer then hypnotherapy could be the answer.
Louise Johnson, owner of The Body Matters, is an experienced clinical hypnotherapist and member of the Association of Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.
“Fears or phobias are often caused by a ‘learned’ experience, such as a parent being scared of spiders, or images of aeroplane disasters on the TV, that prompt an escalation of the fear until it becomes out of proportion”, she explained.
“Coupled with feelings of being out of control and anxiety regarding to what the person might do if they encountered a spider or entered the confined space of a plane, this can even lead to the inability to cope with anything relating to that fear, such avoidance of a place where a they may see a spider or a photograph of a plane.
“Hypnotherapy can help to get to the source of the fear and explore why it is so deep rooted”, she continued. “Regression therapy is often a good place to start, and many phobias start early in childhood. Once the reason for the phobia is unlocked by hypnotherapy, the person can then begin to face and understand their fear and learn to conquer it. Hypnotherapy can be very successful in curing phobias, as it is in helping people to quit smoking, to lose weight and in general anxiety management”, she concluded.
The Body Matters is offering a free initial consultation for anyone considering hypnotherapy. For further information or to book a treatment phone Louise on 01702 714968. Gift vouchers are also available.
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