Gambling – Is It Becoming a Problem for You?

Problem gambling has been defined as ‘gambling to a degree that compromises, disrupts or damages family, personal or recreational pursuits’. In particular, it can lead to health issues, relationships breaking down, difficulties with debt, crimes being committed and thoughts of suicide and even suicide itself. Gambling-related harm affects the individuals concerned, but also their families, employers, communities and wider society.
According to research by the Gambling Commission, 63% of British adults have gambled in the last year, with the figures being 66% for men and 59% for women, whilst the rate of problem gambling is 0.6% of adults (1.1% of men and 0.1% of women).
FOBTs (Fixed-Odd Betting Terminals) have been much discussed in the news lately, as the maximum stake of £100 means that losses to gamblers can be very rapid. FOBTs, unlike some gaming machines that can only be found in casinos, are permitted in high-street bookmakers.
Long term, government action may come about with regard to FOBTs. Government proposals regarding gaming machines are part of a consultation that began in October 2016 and which closes on 23rd January 2018. One proposal that the industry, concerned charities and other stakeholder groups are considering, is that the maximum stake on a FOBT be reduced from the current £100 to somewhere between £2 and £50.
Unfortunately, due to the prevalence of betting shops on high streets, together with the growth of online gambling, problem gamblers may find only marginal relief from whatever changes the government decides upon.
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) is a fast, effective therapy, that can help one to stop the gambling habit and become the person you want to be.
To arrange a free first session to discuss how you are affected by this issue and how therapy can help, you can contact Jonathan at The Body Matters on 01702 714968.
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