5 Tips to Help Beat the Cold This Winter!

Christmas is approaching fast and as sure as the festive season will be coming so will colds and flu. But what is it that makes us so much more vulnerable to catching a cold in the winter?
One reason is that the rhinovirus – the virus that causes colds – becomes more resilient as temperatures fall, so our immune system has a harder time to fight it. At the same time, we are getting cold more easily and as our core temperature drops, our immune system doesn’t function as well and slows down. Add to this the stress of long working hours – not to mention the stress of Christmas itself – and the alcohol and sugar consumed during the festive season and it is little wonder so many of us succumb at this time of year. So, what can you do to protect yourself?
#1 Get out more
Viruses thrive in dry air and staying indoors in our heated homes doesn’t help. Even though indoors, we may still get cold, with many of us experiencing cold feet, which makes us more vulnerable, so make sure to wrap up warm at all times, whether you are inside or out. Getting out and moving keeps us fit and boosts the immune system. The long dark winter nights mean that we are getting less vitamin D – a vitamin made in the skin when exposed to the sun – so the best time of day to go out is lunchtime.
#2 Eat real foods
The immune system relies on certain chemicals to function properly, and our body can only work with what it is given – so give it quality. Meat, fish, seafood, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains all contribute to a stronger immune system. Processed foods are devoid of many of the vitamins and minerals we need and can actually strip us of the few we’ve still got.
#3 Avoid sugar
Sugar fans the flame of inflammation and affects the ability of white blood cells – our immune cells – to fend off viruses and bacteria. In fact, the immune system stays depressed for hours after consuming sugar, according to recent studies.
#4 Stay hydrated
Our mucous membranes need to stay hydrated. If they dry out, their barrier function is impaired and viruses find it easier to get in. Moreover, fluids help the lymphatic system to flush out waste. Go for herbal teas, green tea or water instead. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and ginger has antiviral properties, tea made with those two is not only great to fight colds or flu, but also very tasty. Sweeten with a little honey – ideally even Manuka honey, which like ginger is antiviral and antibacterial, too. Ginger is also very warming and helps keep us snug when it’s cold out.
#5 Make some chicken soup
Did you hear that chicken soup is great when you’re sick? It’s an ancient home remedy and not just an old wives’ tale: Studies have shown chicken soup to be particularly helpful in reducing symptoms in upper respiratory system infections like the common cold.
If you find that you always catch every cold going, maybe you’ll need a more targeted and personalised approach. Book in with our nutritional therapist to learn more about how to strengthen your immune system.
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