By in Joints & Muscles

NHS Waiting Lists are Getting Longer

NHS waiting lists for MSK conditions such as neck and back pain, and and knee pain have increased by 27% in the last 18 months. Perhaps it is time that seeking private practice becomes more normalised in the UK. Many people are seeking private health care policies or at the very least policies that offer money back or towards optician, dental and MSK appointments.

Taking pressure off an already overwhelmed NHS can only be a good thing to help them catch up after the strain of the pandemic, which has left our beloved NHS on its knees. Finding someone you trust is important and to not feel that you are overpaying for unnecessary appointments.

Having a plan to resolve neck, back or knee pain sets you on a path to recovery and allows you to be proactive, even if having to wait months for a scan or to see a consultant through the NHS.

We at The Body Matters can offer many types of treatments to help ease your symptoms as well as offer diagnosis and rehabilitation plans suited to your individual presentation and level of pain.

Massage can be a route to feeling less pain and aid better sleep patterns. Better sleep can help with stress reduction and relaxation and reduces cellular stress caused by poor diet and lower activity levels that tend to go hand in hand when we are struggling with a bad back or painful knees. Also, strategies to help you manage pain and ease suffering to maintain a quality of life even while going through the injury.

Staying active is paramount, but treatments aid stress reduction at both a tissue and an emotional level. They will reduce suffering and help with confidence to address whatever is hurting. It may even help you recover that bit quicker than a wait-and-see approach while you wait for your NHS appointment.

Matthew Oliver is an osteopathmusculoskeletal pain specialist and massage therapist. For further information or to book a treatment with Matthew, phone The Body Matters on 01702 714968 or contact us to book an appointment.
