Discovering Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

A few years ago, I stumbled across Tapping while I was researching another health topic and I was hooked from that first demo video that I watched. I bought some books and watched more demos online. The more exposure I had to Tapping, the more I wanted to know so I could incorporate it into my daily life. It didn’t take long before I had booked myself onto a certification course so I could find out more and develop my skills.
So what is it and how does it work?
Emotional Freedom Technique, also called Tapping or EFT, is a method that can most easily be explained by comparing it loosely to acupuncture. In acupuncture, needles are inserted into specific meridian (energy channels) points along the body. EFT uses some of the same meridian endpoints, but the points are stimulated by tapping on them with your fingers, rather than inserting needles. The action of tapping these endpoints sends a calming signal through the body which counteracts the pain or emotion that is causing you to feel upset or sore. In terms of EFT, feeling poorly could be just about anything you feel negatively about. EFT can alleviate cravings, physical pain, and anxiety. It can be used to resolve past memories, emotional blocks, or phobias and the list goes on and on.
In my own experience, I find that EFT is empowering because it allows me to focus completely and intently on one thing. I suspect this is similar to how others feel about meditation or mindfulness. Whilst Tapping, I am allowing myself to indulge my mind on whichever one thing is currently distracting me from getting on with my day and feeling my best. When I’m Tapping, I devote all of my energy to working through whatever is bothering me and I give myself permission not to multitask. That might sound funny, but I find it’s all too easy to feel like I have to do several things at once and sometimes, I really need to allow myself to focus on one challenge at a time.
For me, EFT is empowering and powerful. It has provided me with the skill set to work through painful emotions and physical pain and I love sharing this technique with others. It is incredibly satisfying to hear my clients report back about their own successful experiences using EFT at home after a session together. I would love to hear if you have tried Tapping and how useful you find the method.
- Coconut Oil - 9th March 2018
- Discovering Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) - 9th February 2018